Monday 24 November 2008

Tom's Rented DVD corner

The Tim Burton Week
Edward Scissorhands & Ed Wood

I've always considered myself somerhing of a Tim Burton fan. In Fact, I can safely say I have never not-enjoyed one of his films. I do however admit I had never seen these two before.

Edward Scissorhands:
I had heard great things about Edward Scissorhands from many friends and colleagues. Aside from knowing the main character was a strange looking guy with scissors for hands, though, I knew nothing.

What came as an immediate pleasant surprise was the setting of the film. Set in a stereotypical 70's/80's neighbourhood, (all houses painted in garish pastel colours, bored housewives and 9-to-5 husbands) this film was a leap away from Burton's usual penchant for gothic landscapes. This ultimately plays to the film's advantage, though, managing to highlight further just how much a fish-out-of-water Mr. Scissorhands is. Johnny Depp plays the handicapped hero (surprise surprise) with Winona Ryder (pre-klepto) gets the thrilling supporting role of a morally ambiguous little bitch who Edward naturally falls for as she's the only other recognisable personality in the cast.

I had a real problem with Ryder's character, Kim. One minute, she's behaving like the biggest whiny shit in the known universe, the next she decides she loves Edward after all, he's so much more caring and understanding than her faceless, bland, so-stereotypical-it-hurts boyfriend Chip. We'll get to him later. The one moment that truly made me cringe was her dancing in the snow Edward produces as he frantically stabs at a ice sculpture (well, it's not TECHNICALLY snow. But don't tell Winona, as she considers it of great importance right up to the age of about 80). Chip's not one for the sophisticated film connoisseur either, one particularly laughable scene comes from his conversation with his friend in the back of a van (has to be seen to be believed) These two characters summed up everything that was wrong with 90's filmaking. Which, to my understanding now involves finding a pretty young actress and making her behave like a total twat the entire time, occasionally to have some dialogue and plot-development with her blonde douchebag boyfriend (fuck the chemistry between the two of them) until she realises just how wonderful our protagonist is and suns off with him instead.

You might think with a rant like that, I hated the film. I loved it. Those above were just minor problems compared to the overall feel of the film, and the care with which it was made. it has more heart than any other Burton film I care to mention. This being one of his least warped-reality films, it was surprisingly chilling as the recognizable villagers mocked and manipulated the sweet Edward. Their refusal to help or understand him makes it all the more tragic as the film progresses is so frustratingly brilliant it tugs at the heartstrings and makes you want to just leap into the world yourself to hold his hand (figuratively speaking, of course) and tell him that everything will be OK. It's Edward against the world, not ONE other character in this film truly deserves a "good guy" label. That, conclusively is what makes this film a Burton triumph.

My final thoughts: A few examples of suspect acting here aren't enough to make this film flop at all, altough some scenes still jar slightly. This film is a little rough-around the edges, look past the petty problems though, and you'll find a film of real value and beauty. Much like its namesake.

Rating: ****
Sequel?: If anyone even tries I'll kill them.

Film 6
Smart People

The glorious Ellen Page saves this film. A ray of brilliance here and there doesn't quite make the cut, though. Disappointing.


Film(?) 5
Jekyll (Episodes 1, 2, 3)
I was surprised, surfing the net the other day that a drama documenting a modern-day Jekyll and Hyde story (one of my favourite ever stories) starring Jimmy Nesbit and written by Stephen Moffat had passed me by completely when it had been on air. Surely, I thought, it must have doen some huge wrongdoing to have been so under-the-radar. MMy suspicions were wrong. Going into this show very dubious, I found myself immediately drawn into the character of Dr. Jackman (it's not actually a retelling, turns out he's a descendant of Dr. Jekyll) and his "darker half". The cinematography is beautiful, as is the underplayed script. Mired only by the very cliche villains with high-tech weaponry trying to being the double-sided monster in for testing (Can anyone say "Hulk"?). Worse still is the British actors putting on American accents. However, plus points can be given for the appearance of Matt "Super Hans" King and Paterson "Johnson" Joseph of Peep Show fame. As well as the versatile skills of one Jimmy Nesbit. His Hyde is a villain of such strength and raw chaos his performance, dare I say it, rival's that of Ledger's Joker. The difference to this villain? I've always found in most shows I like the villain more (Heroes, TDK...) here, I can't wait for Hyde to go. He's a terrifying mass of monster, and Nesbit deserves to be rewarded with at least a BAFTA for his performance here.

Here is a show with it's cracks and its pitfalls, but, much like its protagonist, the good is outweighing the bad, keeping it at bay. For now...


Coming Soon: Jekyll Disc 2 - Episodes 4, 5,6.

Film 4
Batman Begins
A dark, brooding, cautious origin story with a simpler villain, simpler story, and, dare I say it, better because of it. The first 2/3rds are without a doubt better than The Dark Knight. A complicated and emotionless finale are enough to turn any stomach though. Especially one so boring. All in all a worthy reboot to the franchise. Plus, come one, it has the Batcave.


Sin City
So damn good looking it already deserves 3 stars simply for the cinematography. It's not so much a film as it is 4 slightly related stores set in the same city. (just like a comic book). Micky Rourke, Clive Owen and Bruce Willis make up the protagonists for each of their stories. Arguably the most intense, enjoyable section given to Rourke. Although all the stories MUST be watched. The support cast is equally as impressive. Elijah Wood giving a fantastic performance disregarding the fact his character has not ONE line of dialogue in the entire film. My advice to you is get this. Buy it, I mean. Renting didn't give me nearly enough insight into the world of Sin City. I want it on-hand at all times.

Giving ANOTHER five-star rating this fornight feels a little generous. But at the same time, it's my film blog so fuck you.

Rating: ***** (In the spirit of the way it was shot)
Sequel: Yes! Sin City 2 is in production now and there are plans for a Sin City 3. Good times.
My favourite moment: Christ, just go see it.

Coming Soon: Batman Begins

In Bruges
A strange yet wonderful film. Bloody, hilarious, bloody hilarious and even very dark in places. This film combines action, whimsy, laughs and deep philosophical, psychological issues to be addressed. One of Colin Farrell's finest films (I still love Phone Booth). I have never been so affected by the death of a fictional character than in this film, I don't want to give anything away but it involves a tower and a broken gun.

There you have it, terrific performances, terrific (albeit, slightly fucked-up) plot and terrific in all genres covered. Highly reccomended.

Rating: *****
Best Bit: "A Bottle?! Don't bother."
Sequel?: Watch it, and you'll see what I mean when I say never in a million years.

The Usual Suspects
Slow, dated and overcomplicated. Disappointing given the number of fans and its cult status. Yeah, the ending rocks but does that really count for EVERYTHING?
I can't bear to give it 2 stars, film fans would have my nuts in a vice.

Rating: ***

My rental queue:
Clockwork Orange
The Godfather
The Iron Giant
Uncle Buck
Batman Begins
Ed Wood
Fight Club
Pulp Fiction
Sleepy Hollow
Smart People (For the Page)
Toy Story
Edward Scissorhands
Star Wars IV, V and VI
Withnail and I

Reserved for Release
Iron Man
Man on Wire
A Complete History of my Sexual Failures

Any other suggestions?

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Friday 14 November 2008

Review: Ghost Town

Eek, we saw it 2 weeks ago and no-one's reviewed it!

It shall be done, my friends as soon as I have a spare moment, so within the next 3 days.

Rating: ***
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Thursday 6 November 2008

The three-pronged review

apologies for the lateness of this. I've been far too busy enjoying my half Term. Here's 3 reviews of 3 big Autumn films.

Eagle Eye: Bland, boring and preposterous. It's all action and no fun. All work and no play. Forget character development and remotely understandable storylines. This film is lost, weighed down by it's message of addiction to technology and the state of the world today, I'm all for films having a message, but having one so obvious and poorly constructed is almost offensive to watch! The redeemable features here lie, once again in the acting ability of Shia Labeouf, who can just about turn any script into a watchable film regardless of plot-holes or the level of juvinile obscurity (See Transformers (***)) This film is best avoided. Saying that, go see it anyway. it passes 90 minutes or so. Then on, however, it's torture.

Rating: **
Sequel?: It wouldn't surprise me
Best bit: Jerry's sacrifice at the end. injects some much needed emotion into this overly-robotic piece.

Quantum Of Solace: I want to start off by saying I loved Casino Royale. I loved it. It was gritty, thrilling and even quite witty in all the right places. Quantum Of Solace in the 12-month build to its release seemed to be pushing all the same vuttons. It was billed as shorter, faster-paced and more thrilling. This, to a certain extent is true. There's elements of a fantastic film here. I mean, come on. Bond kicks ass. That's all he does this time round, tough. No room for quips and quirks as he kills his way to the top of the food chain of a secret organisation known as "QUANTUM". The characters are lost here, too. In fact, the only character getting any real attention or development is QOS is Olga Kurylenko's charcter Camille. A thoroughly well written and acted character, by the way. This film is sure to thrill, but it's no fun either.

Rating: ***
Sequel?: In production now.
Best Bit: James' goodbye to Mathis.

Tom's reccomended film for Autumn

Burn After Reading

Without a doubt the most entertaining, fresh, funny film of the season. An all-star cast doesn't distract or jar the quirky script and oddball characters. This caper is an absolute must-see. Watch it before it leaves the cinemas. That's all I can say really, there's no plot at all, just 90 minutes of fun. Enjoy!

Rating: ****
Sequel?: No
Best Bit: Clooney Vs. Pitt, Pitt vs. Malkovich, Pitt vs. Malkovich II, fuck it, it's all great.
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