Sunday 21 December 2008

Review: Four Christmases

Yuck. Look, even the title looks wrong! "Christmases" is just one of those words that should not be. It's unnatural to type or even to look at. A certain irony can be found in this, as that is exactly how I felt about watching this film. Right from the off our leading Duo Reese Witherspoon and Vince Vaughan summon exactly nought charisma as Vaughan, the awkward, intellectual nice guy approaches an icy Witherspoon in a horrible, crowded nightclub. He tries a few lines on her, which she rebounds back at him. Classic stuff really, and that's what grates. These two admittedly entertaining actors appear to just be going through the motions in this unremarkable seasonal comedy. There's no spark, no will to make this film anything more than a yuletide moneymaker for all those involved. Sad, really.

It turns out, by the way, the beginning scene with Vince and Reese talking in the club was all an act. They've been dating for three years and like to pretend to be other people on nights out. An effort, it can be assumed to portray our characters as edgy and cool, when really it comes off as a bit disturbing. If this couple of 3 years can't go out to dinner without making up fake personas and fornicating in the bathrooms (that's what happens eventually), I wouldn't call that edgy. I'd call it sad.

And so, the film reluctantly plods along. We see Thing 1 and Thing 2 as they arrive at the airport, to find their annual Christmas getaway is impossible. To make matters worse, an intrusive reporter barges her way in to the front of the check-in line and interviews them. In a bizarre occurrence, all four of their parents happening to be watching the news at precisely that time on four different houses and begin flooding our bewildered protagonists with offers and ultimatums regarding a Christmas visit. Not content with devising a hasty excuse and waiting it out, they decide it's best to go to all four Christmas parties, then fly out for their holiday the next day.

As I previously mentioned, this story grates. Even this most unusual of set-ups seems far too formulaic. It's way too obvious no-one in this film was trying. No-one. and it's SUCH a shame. Because I wanted to like this film. Vince Vaughan, entertaining as he might be is trying my patience with his more high-profile roles. (See Dodgeball **, The Break Up ** and Fred Clause *). And Reese Witherspoon, well, look at her, she's so damn small and feisty! I wanted to like this film for them. But I couldn't. A Jarring and frankly bizarre script and mismatch cast ruined the illusion of a family film. Throwing cheap laughs at the wall and a boring, conventional message at the end is just lazy, and irritating.

Four Christmases. It will not go down in history as one of the all-time worst films. It's so unremarkable, so normal, bland and unsatisfying I don't think it will go down in anything. A turkey pun just crossed my mind, and I considered putting it in. I can't believe it.

Rating: **

Thanks for reading all, I shall be reviewing the Tim Burton Classic "The Nightmare Before Christmas" on Christmas day, so look out for it.

Happy holidays, folks. Tom.
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