Tuesday 2 June 2009

The MTV Movie Awards

It’s that time of year again! After all the speculation, all the wondering, the MTV Movie Awards are finally here . Yay! Now, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your host- oh. Oh, hang on a second. We need to wait for the fangirls to stop screaming in the audience because a split-second image of Robert Pattinson on the giant screen has worked them into a frenzy.

That’s pretty much what the MTV Movie Awards were about last night. Not ten minutes went by without Twilight winning an award, or somebody mentioning Twilight, or one of the actors getting some screentime... As well as that, half the audience genuinely seemed to consist of some horrible Twilight Youth Rally that screamed and cheered for every single second they had at their disposal - as long as it was about Twilight, of course.

Anyway, The MTV Movie Awards are silly, we know that. It’s a chance for the Hollywood Elite to relax and enjoy 2 hours of harmless entertainment in the guise of an awards show without consequence. Andy Samberg hosted this year, and definitely lived up to the gigantic reputation he’s made for himself in such a short period of time. He wasn’t afraid to poke fun at the celebrities in the crowd, and also wasn’t afraid to showcase himself in some mini-sketches throughout the night. He was hands-down the best and most consistent thing about the show. So much, in fact, one of his links to the next award consisted of him grinning into the camera and saying “Twilight!” just to get a reaction from the crowd. In that moment, I hailed him a hero as he finally said what everyone had been thinking.

The awards themselves were pretty bleak with Twilight and High School Musical 3 grabbing all four of the acting awards between them. Someone please tell me how, even in an MTV world, Zac Efron can act better than Robert Downey Jr. and Christian “I’m gonna kick your FUCKIN’ ASS” Bale? It certainly seemed to boggle his mind, too as he delivered possibly the most awkward and irritating speeches in awards acceptance history. Though, fair play to him he may have been put off by the image of a half-naked Sacha Baron Cohen teabagging an angry Eminem, an event that transpired seconds before he was announced the winner.

Looking though the winners now, there is not on single thing there I can justify as credible. It seems the MTV Movie Awards have now fully descended into an inside joke amongst the crowd and the producers alike. It certainly seems like cheap entertainment given Twilight won 5 awards in the night. Other notable funny moments included Bride Wars receiving two nominations (Come ON, MTV!) and host Samberg introducing an “exclusive sneak peak at New Moon *fangirls SCREAM* before cutting to himself dressed as a vampire running round a high-school being chased by a cheap teen werewolf. The classy medley of The Lonely Island’s songs also worked well, with Forest Whitaker capping the performance off with an undeniably well-sung chorus of “Dick in a Box”

I get it, the MTV Movie Awards shouldn’t be taken seriously. And for the record, I liked Twilight, it’s a decent film but what annoyed me was the fact that even the lowest of awards ceremonies are about recognising a selection of good films released that year, not just two or three. See you next year when we’ll be dissecting just how New Moon beat Transformers 2 to the big prizes of the night.
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