Sunday 17 May 2009

Review: The Old Man and the Seymour

I hate Sundays, I know you do, too. The excitement and potential of the weekend has fully dissipated and all that’s left stretching ahead of you is some average TV and your week’s schedule. Having fun revising? That’s what I thought.

Hey! Here’s an idea! Why not see a film? Don’t go to the cinema, the films are far too long and it costs way too much. You’ll never get enough work done in the day. What the modern “I hate Sundays” worker needs is a short, enjoyable, feel-good picture. Enter, The Old Man and the Seymour.

Now, I’ll tell you right off the bat. This film is 30 minutes long and is available freely on the internet. Not in a BAD way, they actually put it there. I know the concept of such a film can be off-putting so I’ll counter it by saying it’s good. Really quite good indeed. And funny, too.

The Old Man and the Seymour tells the story of Lewis Plunkett (Amir Blumenfeld). Lewis is 47, but due to a growth-hormone deficiency looks about 20. A short set-up in a supermarket tells you everything you need to know about the trouble he faces. Shortly thereafter, we’re introduced to Seymour (Streeter Seidell). Seymour’s dad has just died, and with mother already out of the picture, he moves in with Lewis to wait out his remaining months as an official minor.

The pair have such easy chemistry that the best scenes in the film by FAR are the ones between the two. My personal highlight was the dinner Seymour and Lewis have on the first night of Seymour’s new residency. What starts off as a pleasant meal quickly descends into such unbelievable chaos raises many-a-chuckle. The film continues strongly, before succumbing to lowbrow, easier stuff for the big finish which was a little disappointing. However, a strong supporting cast and enough real laughs help to ease the pain of the films larger failings.

Watch it, I say, if only to show your support for the two leads in what is their first out-and-out project. You have no excuse, follow the link below and settle down for 30 minutes. Both the film itself, and you guys, deserve it.

Rating: ***

You can watch The Old Man and the Seymour here - it even has an HD option.

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